Category: Ask The Yogi

LIFESTYLE | Ask the Yogi

ONE Yoga Fest

  Free yoga tastings . . . Savor the flavor . . .   The teachers of One Yoga Sanctuary, located at 73 Sea Island Pkwy. in Beaufort, are hosting ONE YOGA FEST,  a day of free and varied yoga and movement classes for all level practitioners on Saturday, April 4, from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm.  

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Be A Warrior

I consider myself lucky to be able to train with Baron Baptiste as often as I do. One of my favorite things are the aphorisms he often shares with his trainees – I call them BBs. The current BB I am sitting with is one that I need to be reminded of frequently:Be a warrior, not a worrier.

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Going For It

   Psst. The universe is working for you. You don’t have to believe that. You don’t have to believe in good or evil for them to exist. But what’s possible if you believe it? I recently realized that if I pay attention, I can see and feel the universe working for me. You can call it God, Buddha, Allah, or Spirit, but if you pay attention you will find a divine grace in your corner.

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Muting the Inner Critic

As human beings, we are more alike than we are different. No matter what our social or economic status, at our core, human beings all experience the same range of emotions. Yet almost from the womb, we strive to distinguish ourselves from others. In our quest for success and happiness, we risk falling into the trap of comparison.

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  Are you grateful?   Do you cultivate an attitude of gratitude? This year, I have noticed a trend on Facebook where my friends are posting something that they are grateful for every single day. Instead of waiting for one appointed day to express gratitude for things large or small, they express gratitude for something every single day. I have seen some amazing posts.

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Create Your Life

I recently attended goal setting training, and learned a simply yet staggeringly important truth. Everything after “I am” creates.* We create our lives.   Every single aspect comes from us.  What we think, we become.

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How to Become a Spiritual Jiujitsu Master

   Have you ever heard the saying, “We become what we judge?” When we judge someone, our behaviors begin to mirror what we judge.  For example, if you judge someone for a prejudice, you become prejudiced against them.  You may have started from a place of moral righteousness (caution!  warning!) but you eventually become the very thing you resent.

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Traditionally Yogic

Society could learn a lot from the practice of yoga.  Yoga philosophy emphasizes non-judgment, acceptance, and compassion at its very core.  Take the recent comments by Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathie regarding his company’s support of the traditional family unit.   Though his initial comments were not inflammatory, his clarifications were.

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The Dog Days of Summer

(aka “Hey, You’re Sweating All Over My Saucha”)   I get the question all the time – do you really practice yoga in a heated room? The answer is unwaveringly yes, which leads, inevitably, to the question (insert really inquisitive and mildly skeptical voice here), “WHY?”

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Nourish Yourself

  The last few years, I have explored a lot of avenues in nutrition and health.  As a yogi, I take my health very seriously, and I have explored many different avenues of diet and nutrition.  In January, I attempted to switch to a totally vegan diet.   It worked with my body for a while, but as I became busier in the new year, I fell into the easy trap of being a junk food vegan.

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The Four Keys

The first time I read the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, I was struck by the similarity of the sutras and the Beatitudes.  As the nuns taught me growing up, the eight Beatitudes of Jesus provide a way of life that promises salvation, but also provide peace and help us to survive the trials and tribulations we must face here on earth.  Each sutra, or thread, contained a shred of wisdom, that if put into action, could bring the practitioner inner peace and happiness.  

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Look Out, World – Here They Come!

Later this month, Dancing Dogs Yoga will graduate its first batch of yoga teacher trainees. Through our partner MBody Yoga, 20 amazing individuals from the Southeast will complete this rigorous 220-Hour Yoga Alliance approved Teacher Certification Program (TCP). We are unleashing new yoga teachers into the world, and the transformation thus far has been amazing.

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Cultivating Community

I consider myself lucky to be training with some of the greatest and most inspirational yoga teachers in the world. Last week, I returned home from Level Two training with Baron Baptiste, and I am a changed person. 

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Putting the Unity In Community

I’ve been thinking a lot about community lately.   I have watched my small studio grow and grow, and as we prepare to expand into Bluffton, I have been overwhelmed by the sense of unity in my yoga community.  It made me think of a blog written by my dear friend and studio manager Brittney.

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Give Up What You Must

I’m writing this column on the first day of Lent, trying my editor’s abundant patience with my deadline once again (sorry, Margaret).  I was raised Catholic, but it has been a long time since I gave up anything for Lent.  In hopes that my mother is not reading this submission, I confess that for many years I quipped that I was giving up church for Lent.

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Put Your Feet Into the River

There is something amazing about seeing service in action. I just came back from Jamaica. Before you feel sorry for me, I spent several days with some of the most amazing and selfless people on earth. Under the Caribbean sun, I was reminded once again of the beautiful power of SEVA, or service.

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Restoration (noun): 1.the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment. 2. a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition. 3. restitution of something taken away or lost.

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Eating with Conscience

One of my first yoga teachers told me a long time ago that somewhere along my yoga journey, I would stop eating meat.  I thought that was funny.  As a good Southern girl, chicken was a regular staple in my diet, and nothing made me happier than a thick, juicy steak, rare.  I thought that hell would freeze over before I even considered becoming a vegetarian. The devil must be cold.  On January 1, 2012, I cut out meat and all other animal products from my diet. 

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