Savannah Smiles
The dueling piano show hosted by Alzheimer’s Family Services is coming back for yet another encore performance. Marty Richardson and Jimmy Porter of Savannah Smiles in Savannah, Georgia will be bringing a night of music, laughter, and fun – and hopefully a bit of charitable giving – to the Tabby Place in Beaufort on February 15.
The show, “Dueling Pianos – A Musical Night to Remember” to benefit Alzheimer’s Family services of Greater Beaufort was hosted originally in 2012 and then rescheduled by popular demand again in 2017. The 2017 show was postponed to 2018 because of weather conditions.
“Since that time people have constantly asked that we bring the show back, so that is exactly what we are doing!,” says Executive Director Arlene Heape-Hull.
On Saturday, February 15th “the show will go on” again – Dueling Pianos, sponsored in part by Beaufort Charities as the Concert Grand Sponsor and THK, and Paulick Law as Baby Grand Sponsors. This event is Alzheimer’s Family Services’ annual dinner theatre and their major fundraiser of the year. Both hurricanes and COVID 19 have preventedAFSGB from hosting this fundraiser since 2018, so they are especially excited about bringing back this popular show to Beaufort.
The agency, a local non-profit, provides education, support and respite to area caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease. “Not to cast a shadow on such a fun and lively evening, but if you haven’t been touched by this terrible disease or seen it first–hand, you might not realize how devastating it is and the toll it takes on the caregivers,” says Heape-Hull. Alzheimer’s is the third leading cause of death in the United States, and of the top ten causes, it is the only one with no cure. The agency relies heavily on support from the community and their fundraisers to provide the services they do to caregivers.
Saturday, February 15th at 6 p.m. the doors at Tabby Place on Port Republic Street in Beaufort will open for a night of fun, food, music and memories. The evening offers complementary beer and wine, dinner from local restaurants, a live auction, and as much music and fun that can be packed into the evening.
Tickets for the event are $85 in advance and $90 at the door. Tickets can be purchased online at www.afsgb.org or by calling the office at 843-521-9190.