Tayler Simon

The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center’s monthly Open Mic Night will be held at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St.) on Thursday, February 13, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The featured author for February is Tayler Simon, founder of Liberation Is Lit and author of the poetry collections Phases and Love and Other Forms of Heartbreak. Open Mic will also feature short readings of 3 to 5 minutes each by other local writers in many genres.

The program is free to attend and will be live-streamed on the Conroy Center’s Facebook page. Writers interested in reading from their own original work during Open Mic should contact the Conroy Center in advance to sign up: contact@patconroyliterarycenter.org.

As part of her visit to the Conroy Center on February 13, Simon will also be teaching a writing workshop earlier that afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30: Writing Our Truths: The Power of Autobiographical Poetry & Self-Publishing Your Own Chapbook. $45/person, with advance registration required at https://writingourtruths.eventbrite.com.

About the Featured Author and Instructor
Tayler Simon is a writer, social worker, and the owner of the bookstore Liberation is Lit, based in Columbia, South Carolina. She has self-published three books:
Phases: Poems, Writing Our Truths: A Guide to Self-Publishing for BIPOC Writers, and Love and Other Forms of Heartbreak. She is passionate about promoting social liberation through the power of transformative stories.

To learn more about the year-round educational programs of the Pat Conroy Literary Center, please visit www.patconroyliterarycenter.org.