The Committee Chairs meeting for the Valentine Ball 2010 at Beaufort Memorial Hospital Foundation last month personified the phrase “it takes a community to care for a community,” according to Carolyn Nettles, Co-Chair of the Ball.


Over 40 volunteers participated in the meeting. The room was filled with young and old, men and women, newly arrived and born here, as well as singles and grandparents.  Alice Moss, Director of BMH Foundation observed, “there was a common thread.  It was a community with energy and willingness to commit time to help its community.”

This year, proceeds from the Ball are earmarked for the expansion of the Emergency Department.  What better way to help the community than to support an event that reaches so many people.  Last year, with just 18 beds, the Emergency Department cared for over 36,000 patients.

Many consider the Valentine Ball to be the premier philanthropic event in Beaufort.  More than 800 people participate.  They volunteer time, become Sponsors or Sweethearts, host dinner parties and/or purchase tickets to the Ball.

This year’s committee volunteers are: Co-Chairs: Carolyn & Bill Nettles and Ty & Marc Reichel; Auction: Kelly Collins, Angie & Michael Keyserling, Carol Robinson, Joenne Royal, Jill Tucker and Leigh Ann Pingree; Auction Booklet:  Anne Mitchell and Valerie Fisher; Decorations:  Mary Lee Grove; Desserts:  Karen Nuelle and Bonnie Hargrove; Dinner Parties: Ryan Christian, Mary Lou Cullen, Bradi Dinkins, Sherry Hirsch and Carol Lucas; Graphic Design: Jan Pringle; Invitations: Louise Hodges and Katharine Harrelson; Kick-Off Party: Nancy Kessell and Lisa Mazzeo; Publicity: Anne Helm and Penelope Holme, Sponsorship: Ed Duryea, Brian Harrelson and Tei Tober;  Valet Services:  Kristen Webb, Matt Gissy and  Robert & Abby Morris.

Brenda Molony, Volunteer Coordinator, suggests “to help the community with this effort you can purchase a ticket to the Valentine Ball.  Also, you can really “keep the Ball rolling” by hosting a dinner, becoming a Sweetheart or a Sponsor and/or donate an item for the Silent Auction.”

For information, please call 843-522-5774 or visit