The Baptist Church of Beaufort presents a sacred choral concert featuring the songs of Mary McDonald.
The next collaboration will feature the songs of Mary McDonald, a well- known keyboardist, composer, and publisher from Knoxville, Tennessee. McDonald will be the keynote speaker/entertainer at a Music Appreciation Banquet at BCOB on Friday evening, rehearse with the choir on Saturday, participate in both of worship services on Sunday, February 26 at 9:00 am and 11:15 pm, and also serve as conductor and keyboardist on selected anthems at a 3 pm concert for the community. In addition to composing her own sacred pieces, McDonald does a wonderful job of arranging familiar hymns and gospel music in a variety of styles. The BCOB invites everyone to come and enjoy!
Again, the Community Concert is Sunday, February 26th at 3 pm. There is no cost for admission, but donations are encouraged. The Baptist Church of Beaufort is located at 600 Charles Street in downtown Beaufort. For more information, call 524-3197 or visit