Taking pictures is second nature to most residents and visitors to Beaufort. We love photographing the outstanding beauty and nature that surrounds us. Those who enjoy it as a hobby have joined the Photography Club of Beaufort. Each year the organization has a year long photo project. This year it was “Creatures Great and Small”. A majority of the 65 members in the club submitted photos… from egrets feeding their young, to pets to African wild animals. There are even a few abstract surprises in store.
The exhibit, free and open to the public, will again be held at the Beaufort County Library, 2nd floor gallery, from Dec 3rd through Dec 31. The show is open during business hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm. The opening reception will take place during Beaufort’s Night on the Town, Dec 3rd from 5pm – 7pm.
The Photography Club of Beaufort meets the second Monday of every month at the Technical College of the Lowcountry, Building 22. The next program meeting will be January 10th. The public is invited.
For additional information on this exhibit, please contact Jane Hearn at jhearnjax513@gmail.com