Beaufort’s development committee announced today that the first PKN Beaufort will be held Thursday, October 8, at 7 p.m. at The Shed in Port Royal.

The mission of PKN Beaufort is to highlight the region as a center of excellence for the creative class. Approximately 10-12 presenters are anticipated to participate in the event, among them architects, artists and the culinary unique and elite.

Pecha Kucha, Japanese for ‘the sound of conversation’, was established in 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture in Tokyo, Japan, as a means of showcasing design work. Since then it has exploded into an event held in more than 200 cities internationally.  Each presenter is allowed 20 slides, each shown for 20 seconds, giving the presenter 6 minutes and 40 seconds worth of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, interest levels up and gives more opportunity for presenters to participate.

“Our hope is that PKN Beaufort will help others take inventory of the Lowcountry’s creative class and will combine hidden gems with smart business,” said PKN Beaufort development committee member Ian Leslie. “We’d eventually like to see this happen quarterly, giving as many presenters as possible the opportunity to step out and do what they do best.”

There is no cost to participate or attend PKN Beaufort Volume 1. Interested presenters may contact PKN Beaufort at  Participants will receive an opportunity to showcase their talents and attendees will leave well versed on what the Lowcountry has to offer.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For information and updates visit or text PKNB to 74700.

Members of the Pecha Kucha Night Beaufort development committee are: Carrie Carper, founder, Adagio Creative; Holly Davidson, vice president, Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce; Ian Leslie, director of marketing and membership, Lowcountry Economic Network.