Maggies-Pub-CocktailBurgers like the ones that pack the house each Wednesday night at Maggie’s are way beyond the ordinary. What Chef Wilson & Company craft to order and commit to the plate has as much in common with the average fast food product as a Ferrari does with a Toyota Camry. They both may be automobiles, but the similarities end there. The hamburger is the classic American food, and every Maggie’s burger is an extravagant homage to that classic. So why wash it down with something . . . ordinary?


The bar staff at Maggie’s takes just as much pride in constructing their variations of classic cocktails. And the pub’s commitment to fresh and local doesn’t end at the kitchen door. Featured beverages flow with the seasons, flavored with locally sourced herbs, fruits and other ingredients whenever possible. The thoughtfully selected taps and wine list reflects quality and value, while eschewing the mundane. Behind this bar, a cocktail shaker’s a proper tool in the hands of master craftsmen, not a receptacle used for a cursory toss or a prop for Vegas style histrionics. Nevertheless, there is a show going on here, and if you’re lucky enough to snag a seat at the bar, you’re ringside for it.

On this outing, Barman Campbell Roark tried out a selection of beverages on us, including his MangoMaggies-Pub-SusanDebbi Peach Sidecar.

“Fresh mango muddled with raw sugar is the first step,” he says. “Then you add a shot of peach schnapps, a shot and a half of brandy, a touch of freshly squeezed lime juice and a touch of fresh pineapple, one slice of fresh orange and ice.”

The next step – and some skill with the shaker – is key, according to Campbell. “Shake it for about 30 seconds. Shake it a long, long time.”

The result is a one of a kind riff on a classic. In other words, pure Maggie’s. We highly recommend it, with or without a burger.

Need convincing? Click on to watch Campbell whip up a couple of his specialties. And, as always, we’ll meet you at the bar.