Author: Ian Hart

Shining a Light on Women’s Health

Women’s Wellness Weekend will feature a variety of events including health and wellness workshops.  Pick up any women’s health magazine or read any online article on the subject and the topics are almost always the same: stress, work-life balance, how to lose weight, getting more or better sleep, having more or better sex and dealing with age-related issues such as – gasp – the dreaded menopause. The idea that women are overworked and under cared for is nothing new, but the importance of women’s health – and caring for one’s self in particular  –  finally seems to be enjoying a moment as the topic has come into its own.

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Race4Love on Cat Island

Hopeful Horizons announces the 8th annual Race4Love benefiting local survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. This 5K run/3K walk will be held on Cat Island Saturday, February 15, beginning at 9 am. 

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Here Be Dragons

DragonBoat Beaufort, the local cancer survivor/supporter racing team, is pleased to announce that Dragons will once again invade Beaufort on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at Henry C. Chambers Park in downtown Beaufort, South Carolina.

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Yoga for Back Pain Relief

  Lillah Schwartz, nationally recognized back care expert, will offer a Friday evening class, and weekend workshop, November 3-5 at One Yoga Sanctuary, 73 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island Marina, in Beaufort.

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Do You Suffer from Dry Eye?

Do you suffer from fluctuating vision that clears with blinking, or often experience burning, redness, itching, excessive tearing, blurry vision, tired eyes or contact lens discomfort? If so, you may be suffering from Dry Eye. Dry Eye is a disease that affects millions of people and occurs when you cannot produce enough natural tears to keep your eyes moisturized, or when tears evaporate too quickly.

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My Top Health Tip

If someone asked me, “Ian, if you could give me one thing that would dramatically change my life and better my health and well being, what would it be?”, how would I respond?

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My Top Health Tip

If someone asked me, “Ian, if you could give me one thing that would dramatically change my life and better my health and well being, what would it be?”, how would I respond?

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Attitude of Gratitude

Do you ever have one of those days when nothing goes right for you? Or you wake up and everything just falls apart? Or you hear some really bad news that just changes your feeling and energy?

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Attitude of Gratitude

Do you ever have one of those days when nothing goes right for you? Or you wake up and everything just falls apart? Or you hear some really bad news that just changes your feeling and energy?

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True Grit

Have you ever wanted something so badly that you were willing to work harder than you ever imagined you could work in order to attain it? Maybe so, maybe not, but we have all heard remarkable stories about those who have dreamed big and worked their hearts out to attain some goal.

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july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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