Author: Daryl Ferguson

Where America REALLY Began Pt. 7

Part 7: France Ignites a Powder Keg When Jean Ribault landed at Parris Island in 1562, France was ruled by King Charles IX. He was an emotionally weak boy-king who could easily be manipulated. He was only twelve years old. However, his mother, Catherine De’Medici and Admiral Gaspar Coligny were part of the power behind the throne. Oddly, the admiral was a Huguenot . . . and a leader of the French Protestants.

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Where America REALLY Began Pt. 5

PART 5: Larry Rowland Defines The LowcountryWe know that over ten million North Americans take ship cruises each year. What are these tourists looking for? Approximately 43% of all cruise vacationers chose a Caribbean tour. Alaska and the Bahamas each drew 25% of the nation’s cruise customers. These tourists chose a ship’s cruise for one important reason. They want to visit multiple locations, or destinations, and experience a range of activities.

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Where America REALLY Began Pt. 3

Part 3: Do We Want More Tourism? Gary Kubic is one of those leaders who is more than a county administrator. He is certainly a government leader, yet, it doesn’t take long to discover that he is also a very successful entrepreneur and businessman. He is one of those leaders who has an “intellectual curiosity.” When he sees a problem, he also smells an opportunity.

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Where America REALLY Began Pt. 2

Part 2: Why Hurricanes Avoid Us Our tourism plan for coastal South Carolina must focus on the fall . . . for two reasons. First, we now have new information. Our risk for fall hurricanes is “relatively low.” Even more important, we know that tourism drops off the map for Beaufort County in the fall. That is especially true for Hilton Head. In short, the fall of the year is our big opportunity. In fact, it is a billion dollar opportunity.

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Where America REALLY Began Pt. 1

Part One: The Huge Opportunity A year ago, South Carolina realized that it has a huge homeowner’s insurance problem. You and I become alarmed when we see Washington scandals surface, and we are troubled by more than just the problem. We ask ourselves, “Why don’t they just tell us the truth? Why are we hearing half-truths or nothing at all. Where is the transparency?” Our South Carolina homeowner’s insurance crisis has all the ingredients of Washington’s IRS scandal.

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