st-helena-music-wayne-fosterThe Parish Church of St. Helena will present a free organ performance April 13 at 7:00 P.M. by S. Wayne Foster, organist-in-residence of First Congregational Church of Los Angeles.

Pat Gould, Director of Music at St. Helena’s, said that Foster is one of the leading organists today. “Foster’s technical ability coupled with an unerring sense of musicianship will make for a recital that will electrify the music and excite the audience,” she said.

The Winthrop University Chamber Singers, will perform another free concert onst-helena-music-winthrop Sunday, April 15 at 2 P.M. The Winthrop University Chamber Choir is a small ensemble of 15-20 singers specializing in the performance of a cappella and chamber music from the Renaissance to the 20th century. The choir especially enjoys motets, madrigals, chanson, and part songs from early periods of musical history to the present day.

These concerts are part of the spring concert series arranged by the church as part of its Tricentennial Celebration. Although they are offered free, donations are graciously accepted.

The Parish Church of St. Helena is located at 505 Church Street, Beaufort.

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