Earth Inspired 2009, a juried art show to benefit the Coastal Conservation League, is seeking entries from artists of all-media for an exhibition at the USCB Gallery opening July 17, 2009.
The show is open to artists working in the lowcountry region of South Carolina and Georgia whose work focuses on the theme of the natural world.
All entries must be received by June 24, 2009 to be considered for the show. In addition to the honor of being accepted by the jury, awards will be given for “Best in Show,” and “Honorable Mention.”
All residents living in the lowcountry benefit from the beauty and resources of its natural environment. As artists we gain additional inspiration from this spectacular landscape. Through Earth Inspired 2009, artists and the artwork they create will have a chance to show their support for an organization that is making great strides to protect the lowcountry coastal plain and enhance the quality of life in our communities.
The accepted work will be on display from July 17, 2009-August 14, 2009, at the USCB Gallery, located in the Performing Arts Center, 801 Carteret St. Beaufort, SC 29902
For more information on the show or to download an entry form go to: .
Entry forms are also available for pick up at The Old Towne Coffeehaus in Port Royal, SC and Grayco Hardware in Beaufort, SC.
Seeking Lowcountry Artists!