Annual Art League fundraiser will be a virtual drawing for over 100 donated works of art

‘Gathering for the Roast’ by John Crum
Art League of Hilton Head’s annual fundraising benefit, Got Art?, makes collectors out of art enthusiasts. Every ticket holder will receive an original work of art during the live drawing via Zoom. The artworks are donated by Art League member artists, and may include paintings, drawings, photography, collage, jewelry, ceramic, and sculpture. Each is valued at $200 or more.
Each ticket costs only $100, and only 100 tickets are sold.

‘Confident’ by Art Cornell
Participants are invited to preview the 100+ works of art at Art League Academy, located at 106 Cordillo Parkway. The preview will last three days—March 22-24, 2022, from 10am-2pm—prior to the virtual Zoom drawing on March 24, 6-7:30pm. During the drawing, ticket holders will choose a piece of art when their name gets called at random. You never know when your name will be called or which pieces will still be available when it’s your turn to choose.
Got Art? always proves to be a popular and lively event, so get your tickets today! Call 843-681-5060 or visit to get your ticket.