The Art League of Hilton Head invites you to the 21st Art and Flower Festival on Sunday April 26th at the Sea Pines Country Club in Sea Pines Plantation. There will be a 1:00 pm seating for the luncheon; the SPCC can accommodate nearly 200. Joe Bowler has been chosen to be the Honored Artist. And twenty-six Art League artists will participate in the event.
Joe Bowler’s painting “Spring Reflections,” a delicate work in vibrant spring colors, will be exhibited at the event. It is usually shown at Morris & Whiteside. Joe Bowler started his career as an illustrator in New York City and ultimately entered the Illustrators Hall of Fame. He moved to Hilton Head in 1972 and pursued his passion for portraiture and figure paintings. Come and see his charming oil painting! – The other visual artists displaying their work will be Barbara Bothwell, Art Cornell, Billie de la Penha, Vickie Bailey Ebbers, Cheryl Eppolito, Annie Estes, N.Jack Huddle, Reni Kuhn, Susan Knight, Evie Kowtko, Virginia MacKenzie, Sandra McIntyre, Ann McCaffrey, Elisa Ranney, Cora Rupp, Joan Salob, Alexandra Sharma, Jim Simon, Barbara Snow, Dorothy Steelman, Heather Wanamaker, Judy Wenning, Caroll Williams, Emily Wilson, Martha Worthy and Marajeane Zodtner. Each artist is paired with a flower arranger, who will interpret the spirit and emotional content of the painting in a bouquet or arrangement.
Attendees will enjoy Fashions by Tradewinds Apparel and there will be a raffle with fabulous prizes. All art will be for sale. We hope all Art League members will plan on attending. Ladies, don’t forget to wear a hat!
Make your reservations early to secure your place. Tickets are $40.
Call Joanne Revie at 843-686-5548. For those who just want to see the fabulous Art & Flower displays, a walk-through is possible between 2 – 4 pm. Reservations will be necessary in order to avoid the gate fee. The charge is $6. Proceeds from the event benefit the Art League of Hilton Head and its mission in the visual arts.
The Art League Gallery of Hilton Head in Pineland Station, Suite 207, is open Monday-Saturday from 10:00-6:00. For additional information call 843-681-5060 or check the website at
Art & Flowers