If life is a journey and not a destination, then the art of Lin Sippel is a study of subject speaking to the heart and the artist chronicling these experiences.


Sippel says, “Using paint I’m able to recreate these experiences of the heart, as I perceive them…  I paint God’s creatures in their infinite glory in settings inspired by the natural forces of nature such as sky, water, trees and earth.”
    Sippel grew up in Miami and lived in New Orleans for ten years “until Katrina and God blew me here to Lady’s Island.”  Asked how long she has been painting Sippel says, “Oh, before I had memory.”  She has worked as a sculptor, done one-of-a kind dolls and painted in oils and gouache.  She became allergic to oils and now paints in acrylic. Her work includes commissioned portraits and collections of work featuring children, dogs, cats, clowns, and work as a muralist for casinos world wide; these were theme related –  pirates themes, Western themes, New York City themes and a lot of tropical scenery.  Sippel is the mother of one son, Todd Ericsson, an attorney in Charleston, and is married to Steven Sippel, the Comcast Manager on Lady’s Island.  As quiet as its kept, Lin is a gourmet cook who makes an incredibly good Tomato Basil Soup.
    The exhibit being featured in The Red Piano Too Art Gallery is mostly comprised of her current “Matter of the Heart… The Lowcountry Marsh Tacky Ponies.” 
“When I start painting a particular subject I usually work on it until the spirit has exhausted itself…  I have painted at least one hundred.  The last one that I painted is called: ‘Marsh Tacky Airshow.’  It features two Marsh Tacky Ponies on the beach watching the Blue Angels fly overhead.”
        Sippel says, “A life long dream is to have my own horse.”
       When asked what her next body of work might be, Lin says, “After living in Beaufort, I think I’d like to paint some of the people from this area.”
      A Meet-the-Artist wine and cheese reception will be held at The Red Piano Too Art Gallery on Friday evening, July 10, from 5:00PM until 8:00PM. The exhibit is free and open to the public.  For information call 843-838-2241 or email: RedPianoToo@islc.net.