Katherine Tandy Brown
Have you been wondering where that grammar you learned in school has gone? Have daily slang and colloquialisms wrecked your stories and articles? The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center will offer a practical workshop—A Lost Art: Grammar for Writers, led by Katherine Tandy Brown and Carol Lucas—will take you back to Conjunction Junction and fill in all those memory gaps. You’ll be writing the king’s English in no time!
Open to writers of all levels of experience, this interactive workshop will be held at Conroy Center (601 Bladen St., Beaufort) on Tuesday, September 24, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Limited to 15 participants. $45/person. Advance registration is required at https://patconroyliterarycenter.eventbrite.com

Carol Lucas
Katherine Tandy Brown: Freelance travel writer, workshop leader and writing coach for 30+ years; writing a memoir, Anne, Queen of the Wingchair, and a novel, Karma: An Equine Thriller; columnist for Lowcountry Weekly and The Lane Report.
Carol Lucas: High school English teacher for 32 years; coordinator of Service Learning Program for 10 years; author of A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey through Widowhood; weekly columnist for The Island News.
To learn more about the Pat Conroy Literary Center, please visit: www.patconroyliterarycenter.org.