Starkey Flythe’s literary career spans from Africa to the Saturday Evening Post where he was editor. His poem “Greeks” was published in the New Yorker in 2011 and his short story “New Deal” was a winner of the Piccolo Fiction Open in 2000, in addition to numerous publications, from Ploughshares to books from Furman University’s Ninety-six Press (Paying the Anesthesiologist) and Snake Nation Press (The Futile Lessons of Glue.) He is a Georgia Poetry Circuit winner, as well as a Yaddo and Breadloaf fellow, and helped found the Sand Hills Writers Conference.
“The Ant & the Elephant” seminar “reduces the poem from Britannica to Pocket Book.” Start with the smallest possible subject (instead of love or time or death,) say with a flea (see the 16th Century poets) instead of a hippo, a hummingbird instead of an albatross. The seminar will be an exercise in moment (see Emily Dickinson,) intensifying emotion, including the extra—murdering, as they say, “your little darling.”
ARTworks is located at 2127 Boundary Street, along with KMart and BiLo. It is a community arts center, and the coolest arts council in the Carolinas, applying the many creative tools of The Arts to strengthen artists, and enrich audiences, collectors, and visitors through high quality arts experiences and arts education programs 365 days a year. 843-379-2787, www.artworksinbeaufort.org.