Gettin’ Our Spook on with CAPA
Would you like to host a Halloween get-together that begins with delicious refreshments and...
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by Debbi Covington | Oct 9, 2023 | Celebrate Every Day, Cuisine | 0
Would you like to host a Halloween get-together that begins with delicious refreshments and...
Read Moreby Bernie Moscovitz | Oct 16, 2007 | Standpoint | 0
It's 7:17PM on Saturday, October 13. The pink-orange sunset sky over the marshes is darkening and a golden crecent moon is ascendant in the eastern sky. These are the days of wonder in the Lowcountry. Fresh breezes, seventy degree highs, blue skies and little puffer clouds; the whirring engine of a small plane as it leaves the unique Frogmore Intranational Airport; smiling faces (just like our license tags say) and mine, all the more content because of the last five hours spent at the Arts Council of Beaufort's "Chalk On The Walk" celebration on the green field in the middle of what is fast becoming Beaufort Town Center on Boundary Street.
Read Moreby Bernie Moscovitz | May 29, 2007 | Standpoint | 0
The “Broken Bridge” has added a certain “je ne sais quoi” to island living. The event, described as “cataclysmic” by Governor Sanford, who choppered in to say something three and a half days after it happened (because someone told him they thought he ought to do that) and, whose performance in this situation gives complete credence to his campaign promise of as little government as possible (or something like that), has now become an everyday part of our lives. People check the webcams, leave a little earlier, fine tune their travel to avoid the worst of times and are “muddling through”.
Read Moreby Laura Von Harten | Apr 17, 2007 | My Lowcountry | 0
The canning process was invented as a result of a contest sponsored by Napolean Bonparte beginning in 1795. The French emperor needed to be able to feed his troops as they marched through Europe, and he was having a hard time. Hauling around lots of food – and keeping it from spoiling – was no easy feat.
Read Moreby Bernie Moscovitz | Jan 9, 2007 | Standpoint | 0
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