The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at USCB, announces its FALL 2007 DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SYMPOSIUM. The series of lectures, presented by retired Foreign Service Officer David D. Grimland, are titled: “Islam and the West: The Historical Roots of a Conflict- and What is Next?” The dates are November 29 in Beaufort and November 30-December 1 in Bluffton. The November 29 lecture is at the USCB North Campus in Beaufort, Performing Arts Center Auditorium, 7-9 pm. The public is invited. All members of OLLI are free of charge. Non-OLLI members $10, payable at the door. No reservations are necessary.
The November 30/December 1 Bluffton lectures are fully subscribed and we are not accepting further reservations. Those lectures are November 30 at the USCB South Campus from 1-5 pm, and December 1 from 9 am to 12 pm at the same location.
Mr. Grimland will provide a historical primer on Islam to help Westerners better understand the reasons for the present feelings of anger, frustration, and suspicion felt by many Muslims. His overview will encourage audience questions and discussion to facilitate understanding of this complex and critical subject. In addition to the history, he will discuss “Understanding the Differences and Implications of Sunni and Shi’a Muslims”, and “Jihadists: Crazy or Commited?”
Mr. Grimland spent most of his 28 years in the U.S. diplomatic service “telling America’s story to the world” in countries with either Muslim majorities (Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan), or significant Muslim minorities (India, Cyprus, Greece). Since his own experience has been both practical and varied (from knowing Turkish “whirling dervishes” to Indian Islamic intellectuals), he is able to draw on a rich diversity of illustrative material. He lives in Montana, and he has been delivering this lecture to audiences in Montana and neighboring states.
The lifelong learning program managed by OLLI at USCB has been in existence for more than fourteen years, and currently serves more than 1,100 members throughout the Lowcountry. OLLI conducts educational programs for adults. These not-for-credit classes have no entrance requirements and there are no tests. Members take these classes for personal enrichment. This year, OLLI will offer more than 300 classes in a wide variety of subject areas, e.g. arts and culture, ecology, finance, gardening, government, history, literature, music and science, just to name a few.
For more information call the OLLI office in Beaufort at 521-4113, or the Bluffton office at 208-8247. Or check the web site at under QUICKLINKS, click on “Osher Lifelong Learning Institute”. The web site contains complete information on the lecture series.
Islam & The West