Author: Fashion Granny

Good Jeans?

Dear FASHIONGRANNY, I am in my 60s, and my sister told me I am too old to wear jeans. Her fanny has “left the building” but mine has not. Your thoughts? -Vintage Chick

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Allow me to introduce myself! I AM FASHIONGRANNY! I take great pride in my title as I have earned it with the blood, sweat and tears that the Fashion Industry can put you through! I survived! My credentials include: an over-extended stay in Roma, Italia for 20 years (starting in the 1960’s); working the runways of the best Fashion Houses in Europe, serving as a fitting model for Valentino, doing movies for Fellini… and throw in a few Spaghetti Westerns! I designed, manufactured and marketed my own accessories line for mainstream stores, moved to a cosmetics career of R&D and – whew! – purposefully landed here in Paradise to rest my broken heels in bliss and beauty!

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