Sebastian Polanski at the BAA Gallery


Cover-Sebastian-PolanskiThe Beaufort Art Association Gallery is currently featuring a collection of works by local painter Sebastian Polanski. A relative newcomer to the Beaufort art scene, Sebastian’s latest collection, VISTA, explores the beauty within the framework of every day views.

Whether encapsulating the energy of the nightlife from bustling Manhattan street corners or observing the ever-changing landscape transform from the local docks in the late afternoon sun, Sebastian-Polanski-boatSebastian uses different techniques to convey each moment he is capturing. He manipulates the canvas to suit his mood at the time of interaction with the scene. Consequently, some pieces emit a composed quality while others maintain a more chaotic vibe.

With a career in Architecture and Design, Sebastian often finds inspiration for his works routed in the structure of a scene. Captivated by buildings, boats, water and infrastructure elements in general, Sebastian has selected this collection of work to showcase his affinity for beauty in the simple things in life.




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