student-Andres-Salvador-Bursting-Sun“Bursting Sun,” an exceptional photograph by Bluffton High’s Andres Salvador, took home top honors in the Photography Club of Beaufort’s annual Dale Westcott Memorial Nature Contest.  Each year the Photography Club of Beaufort awards prizes to the best nature photographs submitted by area high schools. 

This year over 75 black & white and color photographs were submitted, by their teachers, then judged by club members at their March meeting.  Awards were student-Kasidy-Beckel-Wingspresented at the May 11th  club meeting by Mrs. Dale (Barbara) Westcott. The award is given in memory of her late husband who was an educator and avid nature photographer. 

Ribbons and checks were also awarded to the following students:   Bluffton High’s Kasidy Beckel received 2nd place for “Wings” (right). Battery Creek High’s Myrat Myradov was awarded 3rd place for “Singing Life Bird,” and two Honorable Mentions were awarded to Ebony Gadson of Bluffton HS for “Mikumi Safari” and Taylor Jones of Battery Creek High for “Banana Spider”

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