LowCountry Children’s Chorus will be presenting its 6th Annual Spring Concert on Friday, May 30, at 7:30 p.m. at The Baptist Church of Beaufort, 600 Charles Street. No admission/donations encouraged.
According to Director Melanie Williams:
“Our choral repertoire will include ethnic tunes from Cuba and Australia, as well as several American folk songs and Broadway show tunes. We will also feature some of our talented individuals through instrumental and vocal solos and ensembles.
“LowCountry Children’s Chorus is an auditioned, tuition-based, community treble children’s chorus for young singers in grades 4 and upwards throughout the low country area. We will be presenting our spring concert upon returning from a national choral festival, Children in Harmony, at Disney World over Memorial Day weekend. We will be performing as an independent entity on the Disney grounds as well as “en masse” with four other choirs.
“Following our Spring Concert here in Beaufort on May 30, we will travel to Charleston to participate in Piccolo Spoleto. We will be performing at 2nd Presbyterian Church, May 31, at 11:30 am. Following that concert, we will take a summer break and audition more young singers for entrance in the fall. Please contact Dr. Melanie Williams at 522-9744 or melaniewilliams@yahoo.com for more info.
“This young chorus has performed with the Hilton Head and Beaufort Orchestras and was the featured presenter at Carnegie Hall, New York City, in 2006 for the Field Studies International Choral Festival. LCCC was also the chorus in residence for our community production of JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT in fall 2007. Performance of quality choral literature is the foundation of our instruction, and we exist to enrich the lives of the singers and families for which we perform.”
Young Music Makers