May River Theatre presents acclaimed play by Jim Cartwright

Cast members of Little Voice

Blown fuses, real and metaphorical, punctuate the action with flashes of pent up energy in this acclaimed play by Jim Cartwright

The diminutive heroine is named Little Voice (LV for short) who frequently plunges the dilapidated house she shares with her alcoholic mother into darkness by playing her dead father’s records at a volume matched only by the soulful power of her vocal impressions. Little Voice has a hidden talent: she can emulate every chanteuse from Judy Garland to Edith Piaf. She hides in her room, crooning and dreaming of love, while her disheveled mother mistakes a seedy agent’s interest as affection rather than enthusiasm for the gold mine buried in her daughter’s throat.

This is an engaging fairy tale of despair, love and finally hope as LV finds a voice of her own.

The play was first done in London in 1992, and went on to be a feature film in 1998 (as “Little Voice”) starring Ewan MacGregor and Michael Caine.

 The Rise and Fall of Little Voiceis directed by Liz McGinnes. The cast includes Ellie Friedman as LV, Diane Carter as LV’s mom Mari, Gregg Steele Heppner as promoter Ray Say, Haden Gonsowski as Billy, Beth Schlieger as club owner Lady Boo, Tony Falgiani as Manolito and Liz McGinnes as Sadie.

Show Dates

Friday April 28 7:30pm

Saturday April 29 7:30pm

Sunday April 30 2:00pm

Friday May 5 7:30pm

Saturday May 6 7:30pm

Sunday May 7 2:00pm

The May River Theatre is located in Bluffton at the Ulmer Auditorium (inside Bluffton Town Hall) at 20 Bridge Street, Bluffton.

Tickets are on sale now for $25 at