Tag: contemporary

Art & The Suburbanite

I’ve been meaning to write this column for a long time. Last week, two events converged in my life, and I could no longer put it off.     Event #1 – My family and I took a trip to New York City. It was not my first trip to New York City, or even my second, but it had been a long, long time – nigh on a decade. I was due up. 

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A Ringing Non-Endorsement

    A couple of weeks ago, my mom called me up after supper and told me to turn on CNN. Seems while I’d been scrubbing taco grease from my skillet, the presidential hopefuls from the Democratic Party had been engaging in the first-ever YouTube debate.

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When Reading was Fundamental

        I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately. Book reading! Though I always manage to squeeze in magazines and newspapers (short-term commitments, right?), my quality time with books tends to wax and wane according to my schedule, energy level, and general mood. So I’m happy to say that, currently, I am on a roll.

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What’s Happening

july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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