wholly katherine selfieWelcome to Wholly Holistics, a column that at its core, is vested inwhole Chris Suddeth discerning life from an alternative point of view. We all know where to turn for mainstream, and perhaps you deny the yearning for more, but it’€™s still present among all but the most myopic of us.

It’€™s okay to be safe. We just beg you not to be rigid. Do your best to be open without gullibility. Understand that feeling is believing. Much different than faith, and therein lies a fundamental difference in spirituality vs. religion. Actually, spirituality can enhance your religion. There’€™s so much to be gained from mixing salt and pepper. Mix a little sugar and spice€… that’€™s so nice.

Instead, we intend to spark thought, then broaden perspective, and finally, inspire change. For change is the only constant we have in life. May as well embrace change even if the only change is doing the same action or inaction from a different point of view.

Now, how does the Wholly Holistics crew intend to go about accomplishing this? We’€™ll begin with our own ideas and then take our cues from you, the readers. Wholly Holistics will be interactive and our contact information will always be available in the bios following each article. We encourage you to submit comments, questions, and future article ideas. At Wholly Holistics’€™ foundation are two fabulous authors of radically different backgrounds who’€™ve joined forces for this common purpose.

To this column, Katherine brings years of life experience as a freelance writer, inveterate traveler, curious truth-seeker, lifelong learner, avid reader, and eternal discoverer of fascinating individuals. As a freelance writer, one of her favorite things is to talk to and write about people who are living their dreams and adore what they do in the world, for reading about these fortunate folks can inspire others to seek their own purpose-filled life directions and thus contribute more positive energy into the collective consciousness. If that’€™s a bit heady, let’€™s just say that the more upbeat thoughts and ideas we as humans pump into the world, the more good stuff comes back to us. That applies to our health, our relationships and our daily lives in general.

Sutty brings his decade of experience as a Holistic Healthcare Provider to bear along with a passion for writing. Who else is going to quote the eminent parapsychologist and Ghostbuster Dr. Peter Venkman when talking about karma? Do we take ourselves too seriously here at Wholly Holistics? Obviously not, but we do take the art of healing in unusual, but effective, ways seriously. This allows Sutty to compare college football to existential theories. He can pose questions like what J.R. Ewing has to say about meditation and getting shot. Again, this reiki master is being slightly ridiculous, but mainly to make the point that the only thing available at our table is soul food. And we’€™re not talkin’€™ crispy fried chicken.

Ours can nourish your core beliefs, can allow you to consider expanded thinking and fresh viewpoints that just might enhance your health and grow your innards, the heart and mind, in particular. And at the least our soul food can open the door to listening to one another, even if it’€™s to agree to disagree. That, gentle readers, can make the world a kinder place in which to live.

On occasion, we’€™ll invite guest writers in to keep the column fresh. What alternative healing method, spiritual practice or philosophy would you like to know more about? Chime on in.

That said, Katherine Tandy Brown and Chris “€œSutty”€ Suddeth will begin keeping it real in Lowcountry Weekly’€™s next issue. Buckle your seat belts for an intriguing ride.

Katherine Tandy Brown has traveled the world as a freelance writer for 25 years. She teaches memoir, travel writing and writing practice in USCB’€™s OLLI Continuing Ed program and in her downtown cottage. A certified writing coach, she is penning her first novel, One to Go: An Equine Thriller. ktandybrown@gmail.com or (859) 312-6706

Chris (Sutty) Suddeth was born in Greenville and has lived his whole life in South Carolina. A graduate of USC, Sutty lives with his wife and daughter on Fripp Island, where he is a full-time Mr. Mom with his own holistic health business. He’€™s been a practicing Reiki Master and emotional energetic healing specialist since 2010. He uses his passion and proficiency with energy work to inform his writing, and is expecting the publication of his novel Swoondalini this year. Visit www.soulshinerefinery.com for more information.