Sandra Johnson
The nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center will host a Therapeutic Journaling Workshop, led by Sandra E. Johnson, on Saturday, May 6, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This is an in-person writers workshop, held at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St, Beaufort). Limited to 15 participants; $45/person. Advance registration required at https://patconroyliterarycenter.eventbrite.com.
This interactive writing workshop will highlight how to use therapeutic journaling to become more resilient by transforming traumatic events into opportunities for growth, reframing failures into successes, and changing unhelpful habits into ones that strengthen wellbeing. Instructor Sandra E. Johnson, LMSW, is the author of The Resilience Journal: 365 Days to Balance and Peace of Mind, and a copy of the journal is included in the registration fee (an $18 value).
About our instructor:
Therapeutic journaling expert Sandra E. Johnson, LMSW, is the author of The Resilience Journal: 365 Days to Balance and Peace of Mind (Clarkson Potter), a 365-day journal designed to strengthen skills to not just survive adversity but thrive from it. Praised by bestselling authors Sharon Salzberg and Karen Casey, PhD, as well as mindfulness leaders Richard Miller, Shivani Hawkins, and Stacey Milner-Collins, The Resilience Journal offers inspirational quotes by great thinkers followed by interactive writing prompts to serve as guides towards greater wellness and resiliency. It is preceded by The Mind-Body Peace Journal: 366 Mindful Prompts for Serenity & Peace (Sterling Publishing), which has sold widely around the world and been highlighted in Psychology Today.
Johnson is also a novelist. Her novel Flowers for the Living (Texas Review Press) garnered nominations for a PEN/Faulkner Award and Paterson Prize for Fiction. Her narrative nonfiction book, Standing on Holy Ground: A Triumph over Hate in the Deep South (St. Martin’s Press) received glowing reviews from O: The Oprah Magazine, USA Today, Southern Living, and other publications. Since earning a Master of Social Work from the University of South Carolina in 1988, Johnson has been a clinical social worker with a number of health care organizations, including those specializing in psychiatric services.
To learn more about the Pat Conroy Literary Center, please visit www.patconroyliterarycenter.org.