Ever thank God for all the stuff you fervently believed in, but turned out not to be true or pertinent to your reality? After all, faith and fear are opposite sides of the same coin, are they not? Both F-bombs, in this context, require belief to have substance.

This is a different spin on growth, no doubt. That’s what you have us for here at Wholly Holistics. Just when you thought things couldn’t be any triter, here we are to swoop in and show you how to rescue yourself from the doldrums, ho-hums, and terrifyingly, deadly boredom of routines that seem to work for others. You are not “others,” are you? You are you.

There is transmutation magic to be had from the third chakra. Also known as the solar plexus chakra, the third chakra is associated with power, energy, self-esteem, and personal identity. Signs of imbalance include uncertainty, anxiety, lack of self-faith, overconfidence, indecisiveness, and procrastination. 3C is associated with the color yellow, so time to spring clean and brighten up your wardrobe. If you don’t like yellow, then be creative. Your house and car probably don’t like being yellow this time of year either. Nobody can see if you’re wearing yellow underwear. Ever think of that? Why would you? Again, that’s why I was placed in your path during this moment.

Do men get the flu while women only get a little sniffle? Perhaps. Do women over-emote and over-feel? Perhaps. I mean, I don’t feel these stereotypes are fair, but many do, or, at least they weaponize them to their advantage. Can we not just allow someone to feel what they feel? More to the point, can you just feel what you feel, or do you even know where to begin with that? I feel that allowances for others and your own beautiful soul are a more fair and balanced approach to life. Legit try it and see if you don’t agree. Besides, stereotypes are overly-simplistic and lazy which is at the core of that which makes them potentially offensive.

Maybe you only want to smoke because you miss the routine of it all. I know that’s true for me after all this time of not smoking. I certainly don’t miss the smell, the cough, the cost, and the health worries. Such a thing as smoking is something we can all grasp, at least on a cognitive basis.

Maybe the judgment you wish to be free of is a similar flavor of judgment you place on others. Seek to make such things less palatable.

Keep in mind that nothing is wasted. Nothing is unseen or unheard. If you smelt it, you dealt it. Stumbling around in the dark matters, too.

I am here to remind and encourage you to strive to be disciplined with your kindness. Beware the fine line between coddling and comforting—enabling and empowering. Primarily, self-discipline is a priceless kindness. Read that again. (I need to read it repeatedly, myself.) Just as much as we must guard against kindness to those that will mistake it for weakness, we must be gentle with ourselves before offering it up to others.

When toxic connections abound, kindness is the only way out. “No” and “not right now” are underrated forms of kindness. Gentility is not dead, which is why gentleness is the way forward—the way of the light.

Discipline? That feels punitive. Interesting you should say that. I think we can all identify with that “gettin’ sent to the principal’s office” feeling in one way or the next. So, perhaps if we’re asking that question, we’re disciplining wrong.

“Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” This tried-and-true statement can embody many different energies besides the sports arena. That said, just remember that according to psychology, after you start healing past traumas and come out of fight or flight mode, your body will need a lot of rest. You are not lazy. Your body is just trying to catch up on the calm it has not received in years. (@spiritualgoal)

I mean, you know something bad is going to happen when you first get on a bicycle, but you still gotta do it. And we don’t have to feel like we’re undeserving of happiness, or anything so extreme, but we can strive toward that inner knowing of “my time is coming” until it’s “my time is here!” It all has to be organic, see?

I can ease stress when I stop expecting me in others. Marinate on that one. It was a revelation to me when I first heard it too. Moralities need not match-up. After all, chambered expectations can be as lethal as any firearm.

What part of all this do you feel is inscrutable? This dauntless task is just another scary mask we bask in because we believe we can’t do any better. Pish posh, I say. Bull hockey. As I said in the beginning, thank God just because we believe something to be true, doesn’t mean it will bear out. Make no mistake, it does take bravery to change—any change.

Namaste! Be brave, beautiful souls.