Is it always our responsibility to report on the weather? How can I experience the good, bad, and the ugly of everything a moment has to offer? (Enter Enio Morricone’s spaghetti western music into your mind’s ear—your psyche.)

Why should I want to experience the bad and the ugly of a moment, Sutty? I just want the good. Serenity now. Isn’t that what spirituality is all about?

SERENITY NOW! I heard you the first time… The short answer is no, that’s not what spirituality is all about. Loud doesn’t equal right, although it often sounds righteous, frothy, even.

A better question is how long do you want to ignore a festering wound before it turns into a surgical or emergency situation? How many life situations are actual emergencies versus poor planning? See what I’m getting at with all these questions? Want to see how many more thought-provoking questions I can ask with approximately nine hundred words? Stay tuned.

Generally speaking, I’m referring to our internal dialogue for the purposes of this particular column. That said, the same questions can apply to your local a$$holes offering nothing but “imperial entanglements.” Within is reflected in what we perceive as reality. Perception is reality, is it not? Overly simplistic? Maybe.

What subjects fall under the category of things best left unsaid? I think we can all agree politics, religion, and college football are best omitted from polite conversation, but where else does a potential snark attack lie in wait? How polite and gentle with yourself are you?

A good rule of thumb is not to ask a question you don’t want the answer to. But if you’re courageous enough to ask this question within, the rewards are infinite. After all, can one put a price on peace of mind? Peace of mind can often be a nebulous concept, but one knows what it feels like when you have it. Best sleep evaaar, right!?! It’s like right after you take an enormous dump that makes you wish you had a before and after weight measurement. You’re super-welcome for that analogy.

What do I have against snark? Well, it can be funny if it’s in its proper place, I won’t deny that. Must you always be the pithy, quippy, skippy one? How far is too far before things get incisive? It’s an art, right? Well, when does art become vulgarity? Be careful with that slippery slope.

Insight is a good thing, though, right? Incisiveness is insight without kindness. Let’s not incite a riot within, shall we? When the remarks are edgy, they’re likely cutting deep. Oh yes, we can usually be waaay crueler with ourselves than others can be. We know just what buttons to mash over and over and over and over…

Would you like to compare tragedies? One person’s tragedy is another’s success story. Another method to illuminate dark magic tragically is the notion that two people living in the same home can have vastly different experiences. One thrives while another shrivels under the same drivel. Do you not feel like there are multiple people within you for any given scenario? This is common, but is it explored properly? Compartmentalizing can make one mental in the long run.

Does an eye for an eye really make everyone blind? See, sometimes you have to ask the obvious questions to get everyone to play along. That’s the look you can never unsee when the hard questions get asked.

Oh, we’re getting deep now, aren’t we? Isn’t it time for all the usual esoteric stuff you say, Sutty? We think you’re weird, but you sure are entertaining with your wild notions. I’m glad you asked. The idea for this column came about while looking in someone’s aura remotely. I did it at her request, so permission is not the issue. (Permission must always be obtained. Spiritual bullies are a thing, too. Talent does not equate to ethics.)

The issue is if that particular piece of information was going to do her more harm than good. It would just cause distress and confusion with what she was facing. See, there’s a season for every reason, while a reason may not translate to the coming season. My training all those years ago was basically to vomit what you observe and let the client sift through it. This day I had to look within for what my gut was telling me and the answer was not today. After all, timing is everything, is it not?

So, when is an appropriate time to address a situation with one’s aura, or anything for that matter? Set aside those subjects that will never find a comfortable time to be addressed. Plow head-on with kindness while sowing the rows of corn.

You might even tell me I’m conflicted, converse, and contrary. Damn right, I’m confounded. Isn’t that part of the cacophony of it all? What contradictory contraband do we carry through life? Contraband isn’t discovered until your baggage is searched. That’s the point. Until you ask the questions, denial won’t give you the answers, lust for living a love-filled life will.

Has this whole piece been a reminder to meditate? Shouldn’t I have led with that and saved you the time? Well, what fun would that be? Perhaps you’ll remember this time.