Beaufort Garden Club celebrates 75 years with a day of workshops and seminars. The Beaufort Garden Club is celebrating it's 75th Anniversary with a day of Garden Seminars and Workshops, "Making It Lovely." The day long event will take place at the First Presbyterian Church Education Building, 1201 North Street, Beaufort on Thursday, September 17, 2009. The presenters are expert gardeners with specialties to share with the gardening community. Registration forms are available at the Beaufort Visitor's Center and the Verdier House or a form can be requested via email at A fee of $30. covers the two seminars and two workshops along with lunch. The deadline for registration ins August 31, since attendance is limited.
The opening seminar speaker at 10:00 am will be Sharon Sanders, a life-long resident of Beaufort County known for her creative decorating ideas and spontaneous presentation. She will demonstrate "Fall Decorating Tips, Using What You Have". This will be followed by concurrent sessions open to pre-registration. (1) "Special Event Arranging" with Kelly Lesesne, (2) "Small Treasures" with Diane Hubble, or (3) "Succulents" with Kathy Pender.
A light lunch will be served between the workshop series. Sandwiches, chips, cookies and beverages are included in the registration fee.
The afternoon series of workshops will begin at 1:00 pm with (4)"You Can Grow Roses in Beaufort" with Linda Peters, (5) "Underwater Arranging" with Kay Summers, or (6) "Container Gardening" with Debbie Hopewell. The workshops will conclude with a seminar at 2:15 pm by Laura Lee Rose, with the Clemson Extension Service, on "Lowcountry Ground Covers and Southern Grasses".
Previous gardening experience isn't necessary to enjoy this day of learning. The series is open to novices or gardeners interested in expanding their understanding of lowcountry gardening and decorating.
Making It Lovely