Category: An Honest Appraisal

CULTURE | An Honest Appraisal


Aunt Bossy

  Sister’s Keeper Dear Aunt Bossy,   I, a female, was recently at a very expensive restaurant with a female business client. Seated near us were a flashy and overdressed man, who looked like an actor in a movie about the mafia, and his nervous and very sexy date. He was in his late forties or early fifties. She was in her early twenties.

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Those Hairy Victorians

People of this generation are always curious about why Victorians were so fond of wearing jewelry made of human hair. I admit it could seem a little macabre to wear hair that came from someone else’s head, especially when that someone is dead. Since this isn’t a Halloween story, let me tell you more about the history of hair jewelry and perhaps you’ll understand.

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Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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