Author: Fashion Granny

New Dos and Fall Hues

  Dear FASHIONGRANNY, I have had cancer and have just recently been declared cancer free! There is, of course, so much to go along with that – one being starting a new crop of hair! I used to be a redhead, naturally and with a little help from Clairol, but now my hair is growing in finer, curlier and whiter! Should I embrace “au natural”? Signed, Stage Four No More

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Seniors Gone Wild

Greetings Fashionistas! FASHIONGRANNY will be writing her column every other issue going forward, as she sees there’s a whole world out there just hollerin’ for her fashion expertise! Thanks to all my fervent readers and fans, I truly appreciate your loyalty! My “holler back” this issue is for Seniors Only. So gather together all ye who are long in the tooth and listen up! This column is for you!

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Advice That Bears Repeating

This column is going to be a refresher course on two topics that I liken to” the gift that keeps on giving,” kind of like the Christmas fruitcake! Does not hope spring eternal? Hence my intention is that this repetition of strong answers to valid fashion questions will finally take hold! None of us deserves to be injured by the very sight of a bad spray tan or socks with sandals ever again. I don’t know about you, but my eyes can’t take much more!

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Fashion Capital of the World?

Greetings Fashionistas!   FASHIONGRANNY is answering no questions this issue!   I am going to use my platform to discuss the wonderful, and of course, fashionable, burg of Beaufort, South Carolina. Beaufort! The hometown of this marvelous newsweekly for which I write!

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Altered States?

Dear FASHIONGRANNY, I am considering plastic surgery and I have plenty of money to re-arrange my entire body! I don’t want to be talked out of it, as many friends, including my husband, have tried to do so. What I do want is your opinion on Plastic Surgery and how much is too much? Signed, I Swear I’m Gonna Do It

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Fantasy Pretty

Greetings Fashionistas! FASHIONGRANNY”S feeling great, having just got off the speaking circuit with the Fripp Island Ladies Club, on one of the beautiful Sea Islands of the Lowcountry. Right here in Paradise, another group of women doing good in and on their little piece of the rock!

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New Year, New Do

Greeting Fashionistas! It is a new year and FASHIONGRANNY is all too excited! I am looking forward to a completely new fashion vista and cannot wait to see if our dear designers will be able to come up with something new for all genders!

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March, 2025

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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