The South Carolina Academy of Authors announces the Elizabeth Boatwright Coker Awards in Short Fiction. For details, read on . . .
Fellowship in Fiction ($1500)
Winner receives $1500; publication in Fall Lines from Muddy Ford Press; two tickets to the SCAA induction on Saturday, April 22, 2017 and to the awards brunch the following morning; plus hotel accommodations for two for the night of April 22.
Applicants must be full-time residents of South Carolina and must not have won this Fellowship the previous three years. There is no restriction on content, but submissions may not exceed 15 pages double-spaced and must be either one original, unpublished short story or one excerpt from a longer, unpublished work. In addition to the material requested below, fellowship applicants must include a submission fee of $20, payable online with PayPal.
Student Prize in Fiction ($1000)
Winner receives $1000 and an invitation to the SCAA Awards brunch on Sunday, April 23, 2017.
At the time of submission, applicants must be 18-25, legal residents of South Carolina, and enrolled full-time at a private or public South Carolina institution of higher education. There is no restriction on content, but submissions may not exceed 15 pages double-spaced and must be either one original, unpublished short story or one excerpt from a longer, unpublished work.
Applicants for the Student Prize do not pay a submission fee; however, students must include a letter from their university registrar, on university letterhead, attesting to their full-time enrollment status during fall 2016 and email a copy of the letter to:
This Year’s Judge
Mathieu Cailler (above) is a writer of poetry and prose. His work has been widely featured in national and international publications, including the Los Angeles Times and The Saturday Evening Post. A graduate of the Vermont College of Fine Arts, he has been a finalist for the Glimmer Train New Writers Award, the New Rivers Press American Fiction Prize, the Carve Magazine Raymond Carver Short Story Award, and the Gival Press Oscar Wilde Prize. He is the recipient of a Short Story America Prize for Short Fiction and a Shakespeare Award for Poetry. He is the author of Clotheslines (Red Bird Chapbooks), Shhh (ELJ Publications), and the short-story collection, Loss Angeles (Short Story America Press), which has been honored by the Hollywood, New York, and International Book Awards. For more information, please visit
To enter, visit Questions? Contact Tim Johnston at
These awards are made possible by a generous gift from the Penelope Coker Hall and Eliza Wilson Ingle Foundation honoring the literary legacy of Elizabeth Boatwright Coker, 1991 SCAA Inductee.