The 30 Day Guide to Inner Peace, by Jared Madison
“These are the times that try men’s souls….” Though American founding father Thomas Paine penned these words to describe the Revolutionary War era, he could well have been looking into the future at the United States in 2024. Let’s change “men’s” to “people’s,” and change “try” to “stress,” and here we are.
How is one to rise above the country’s disturbing chaos? Many psychologists and medical professionals agree that taking care of one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state is the first step to a clearer perspective.
Fortunately, Beaufort resident Jared Madison has written a right-on-target self-help book for folks who want more peace in their lives. Considering the aforementioned state of today’s world, that’s a lot of us.
Madison is one of three writers of the Lowcountry Weekly’s “Wholly Holistics” column and host of “Magical Minute,” a quick something to improve your day – and sometimes your life! – on YouTube and Instagram, with 2,500 followers combined. Turns out the idea for the book was a “gift” of sorts.
A few years ago, this wise young man began to notice that his outer

Jared Madison
circumstances – whether they be a breakup, a lost job, a health issue, an unexpected bill, or an angry driver cutting him off in traffic – had the power to affect his internal sense of self-worth, wellbeing, peace, and security. So he sent out a prayer to the Universe, asking how to grow his inner strength to keep him on course no matter what. The 30 Day Guide to Inner Peace was the answer he received. When he worked the “practices,” his life changed for the better. Now at this crucial time, he’s sharing the method that helped him, through words that take you by the hand and lead you through positive life changes, a day at a time, for 30 days.
Each day offers a message and a practice; the latter clarifies the message. The chapters are not long and practices not difficult. But they work! For example, the practice for Day 7 suggests that whenever you feel stuck, take a nap. If you think about it, napping involves letting go, accepting, and getting comfy with the seeming non-movement you’re experiencing. Purely practical.
A flip through the table of contents will give you an overview of a few of this guide’s important topics – some are questions – that will lead you on your journey to a more peace-filled existence. To whet your spiritual appetite, a sampling of chapter titles includes the following: “Judge Not”; “Radical Acceptance”; “What Do You Fear?”; “What No Longer Serves You?”; “Peace Through Forgiveness”; and “Making a Loving Commitment to Yourself.”
According to Madison, to attain inner peace, you must look inside yourself with a clear mind, see and accept whatever you observe, change the things you don’t like, and move ahead. Sounds too good to be true, right? But when you apply the practices to your life, the changes can be remarkable.
“Life gives us no shortage of experiences that may normally trigger an adverse reaction within us,” he says. “However, (in this book) you are given the tools to counteract your reactiveness; instead, you will find yourself responding.”
The former is often stressful, the latter, way more peaceful.
Jared Madison will be signing The 30 Day Guide to Inner Peace at a book launch at the nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center on Sunday, December 8, from noon – 2pm at 601 Bladen St., Beaufort. The author will do a short reading from his book and answer questions afterwards. Complete with appetizers and sippers, the event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for sale from noon – 2pm. Please call in advance to reserve your seat: (843) 379-7025.
– Katherine Tandy Brown