Tag: responsibility

Lender, Heal Thyself

    On the afternoon of August 17, “googling” the words “sub prime mortgage” delivered a list topped by the following words: Country Wide; No Closing Cost Refi – No Junk Fees Ask the Experts. 4 of 5 Approved.

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Thoughts on Reader Rage

    Well, I asked for it.     Remember when I used to write a lot about my daughter and the joys of motherhood? Sure you do. Some of you actually liked those columns, and, to this day, urge me to return to that topic. Others of you let me know, in ways both kind and not so, that you’d rather read the fine print on your water bill than one more word about my beloved offspring. Fair enough. I finally got the message (we doting moms can be a little thick) and set off for topical ports unknown (not as much fun as tropical ports unknown, but still exciting); I began writing about a host of other issues that seemed important to me. I knew I was wading into murkier, more turbulent waters, and that I might get roughed up a little. But I figured, Hey, once you’ve had someone tell you to ‘shut up already about your freakin’ kid,’ (yes, in those exact words) nothing can touch you.

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Star Power

    When you’re a recovering agnostic and fledgling conservative – a Neo Fuddy Duddy, as my husband lovingly puts it (NeoFud for short) – it’s not easy to find a support group. In many ways, you’re still very much like your liberal, secularist friends. (I try not to stereotype, but in my experience, those traits do tend to go together.) But in some pretty crucial ways, you’re completely different, and they understandably think you’ve lost your mind. Oh, there are plenty of conservative Christians who are happy to welcome you into the fold, and that’s great, but you don’t fit in with them so well, either. Most of them – or maybe it just seems this way – have been conservatives and Christians forever, and are comfortable in that identity. They don’t know where you’ve come from, what you’ve come through to get where they’ve always been, nor do they care how they (or you) are perceived by your liberal, secularist friends, whose opinions you still very much value.

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An Actual Easter Column

This spring, I wanted to write a column about Easter. Not just my usual,  seasonal shtick about the chirping birds and the blooming blossoms, but a real, honest-to-goodness Easter column. I know it might be a bad idea, that some eyes will roll and my stock will plummet with the local intelligentsia, but I just can’t help myself. You see, after twenty years of wandering and wondering and fancying myself much smarter than my religious friends and neighbors, I’ve gone back to church. And though it’s not the church I grew up in, or even the same denomination, it’s been like coming home.

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Time Is Of The Essence – Save Year-Round School!

        Well, I wasn’t going to get into this one. I prefer to stay above the fray on local issues, keeping my column national – even international – in scope. That’s just the worldly kind of gal I am. (Did I say “worldly”? I meant “cowardly”. Beaufort’s a small town and I have to live here!) But so many people have urged me to address this subject, I almost feel it’s my civic duty. Over the past few months, I’ve sparred with subversive cultural forces like poor grammar, celebrity rehab-abuse, and Britney Spears’ wardrobe. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we focus the microscope closer to home to examine the much-disputed Beaufort County School Calendar issue.

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What’s Happening

july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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