Tag: opportunities

The FATTING of America

    On June 15, our first wonderful morning in Bermuda, we made the terrible mistake of taking our small resort’s minibus over to Dockyard, on West End so we could ride the ferry into Hamilton and have lunch. If we had checked, we’d have understood that this was a cruise ship day and, there she was, in all her magnificence, the “Immensity of the Seas” or the “Enormity of the Seas” (or some such name) and she was busily disgorging, from her gangplanks, 3,600 of our fellow country men, women and children and, despite my propensity for exaggeration, at least 65% of them were fat; and of those, more than half  were what the doctors call “morbidly obese”. Shockingly most of the most obese were younger; forties and fifties and way too many of them had walkers or those all-too-convenient scooters and, worst of all, way too many of their kids looked way too much like their parents.

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What’s Happening

october, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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