Tag: developments

The State of the Arts

    It's 7:17PM on Saturday, October 13. The pink-orange sunset sky over the marshes is darkening and  a golden crecent moon is ascendant in the eastern sky. These are the days of wonder in the  Lowcountry. Fresh breezes, seventy degree highs, blue skies and little puffer clouds; the whirring engine of a small plane as it leaves the unique Frogmore Intranational Airport; smiling faces (just like our license tags say) and mine, all the more content because of the last five hours spent at the Arts Council of Beaufort's "Chalk On The Walk" celebration on the green field in the middle of what is fast becoming Beaufort Town Center on Boundary Street.

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Don’t Lose Sight Of What Matters Most

    For those of us locked tight in the cholesterol padded cells of middle age, our changing and degrading eyesight is a new reality.  Eyes are our windows to the world and the split in our vision, corrected by the magic of bifocals, is an undeniable signal of our passing from youth to the ambiguity of mid-life.

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An Actual Easter Column

This spring, I wanted to write a column about Easter. Not just my usual,  seasonal shtick about the chirping birds and the blooming blossoms, but a real, honest-to-goodness Easter column. I know it might be a bad idea, that some eyes will roll and my stock will plummet with the local intelligentsia, but I just can’t help myself. You see, after twenty years of wandering and wondering and fancying myself much smarter than my religious friends and neighbors, I’ve gone back to church. And though it’s not the church I grew up in, or even the same denomination, it’s been like coming home.

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What’s Happening

july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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