Tag: consultation

Don’t Lose Sight Of What Matters Most

    For those of us locked tight in the cholesterol padded cells of middle age, our changing and degrading eyesight is a new reality.  Eyes are our windows to the world and the split in our vision, corrected by the magic of bifocals, is an undeniable signal of our passing from youth to the ambiguity of mid-life.

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Troubled Bridge

        The “Broken Bridge” has added a certain “je ne sais quoi” to island living. The event, described as “cataclysmic” by Governor Sanford, who choppered in to say something three and a half days after it happened (because someone told him they thought he ought to do that) and, whose performance in this situation gives complete credence to his campaign promise of as little government as possible (or something like that), has now become an everyday part of our lives. People check the webcams, leave a little earlier, fine tune their travel to avoid the worst of times and are “muddling through”.

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july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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