Featuring Queen Quet. Noon at the historic Brick Baptist Church on St. Helena. Attendees will dine on Gullah/Geechee cuisine while being a part of a historic Black land
Event Details
Featuring Queen Quet. Noon at the historic Brick Baptist Church on St. Helena. Attendees will dine on Gullah/Geechee cuisine while being a part of a historic Black land ownership dialogue entitled “From St. Helena to Sapelo” with Dr. Amir Jamal Toure and Town Councilwoman Bridgette Frazier, Elder Carlie Towne and others. A tour of the historic district will conclude the event. Funds will benefit the Gullah/Geechee Land & Legacy Fund. Tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gullahgeechee-land-legacy-black-family-gathering-tickets-791706223627?aff=oddtdtcreator
(Saturday) 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Penn Center
16 Penn Center Circle West, Saint Helena Island, SC, 29920