The Heritage Society of Beaufort will hold its annual luncheon for members and friends on Thursday March 13th at the Dataw Island Club. A social hour will commence at 11:30 am followed by the luncheon at 12:30 pm. The Society is an umbrella organization supporting six National Heritage Groups currently meeting in Beaufort. Sons of the American Revolution (SAR); Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR); Colonial Dames XVIIth Century (CD); Daughters of American Colonists (DAC); Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV); and United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Invitations are to be mailed out this month to members and friends. The guest speaker for this year’s event will be the Reverend Jeffrey Miller, Rector of Saint Helena’s Episcopal Church. The Society supports local heritage projects and recently made a donation of $1000.00 to Historic Beaufort Foundation toward the restoration of the Historic Arsenal.
Anyone interested in obtaining information concerning membership in these organizations and attending this event should contact the following leaders of their respective organizations: SAR President Carroll Crowther 843-521-0134; DAR Regent Elaine Bailey 843-838-7082; CD President Shirley Dillon 843-838-4809; DAC President Elizabeth Knapp 843-524-3887; SCV Commander Claude McElveen 843-683-6468; UDC President Barbara Wood 843-521-1124. More specific information on the event can be obtained by contacting Treasurer Jody Henson 843-524-1256.
Heritage Society Gathers