Deirdre Garr Johns
The Pat Conroy Literary Center’s monthly Open Mic Night will be held at the Conroy Center (601 Bladen St.) on Thursday, September 12, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The featured writer is Deirdre Garr Johns, author of the forthcoming children’s picture book Weathering the Storm and the forthcoming poetry chapbook Fallen Love. Open Mic will also feature short readings of 3 to 5 minutes each by other writers in many genres.
The program is free to attend and will be live-streamed on the Conroy Center’s Facebook page. Writers interested in reading from their work during Open Mic should contact the Conroy Center in advance to sign up: contact@patconroyliterarycenter.org.
About Our Featured Writer:
Deirdre Garr Johns writes poetry, nonfiction, and children’s fiction. Her work is often inspired by the beauty of nature and the memories of people and places. Deirdre hopes to inspire others and create a sense of connectedness to the world around us. Deirdre’s poetry has appeared in Sylvia Magazine, South Carolina Bards Poetry Anthology, Eunoia Magazine, Nymeria Magazine, Silver Birch Press, Stone Poetry Quarterly, Pink Magazine, and more. Her nonfiction has appeared in Sasee Magazine. Fallen Love (Finishing Line Press), her first chapbook collection, will be available for pre-sales this fall and published in January 2025. Her children’s book, Weathering the Storm, will be published later this fall.
Learn more about the Conroy Center at www.patconroyliterarycenter.org