Tag: disappointment

Don’t Lose Sight Of What Matters Most

    For those of us locked tight in the cholesterol padded cells of middle age, our changing and degrading eyesight is a new reality.  Eyes are our windows to the world and the split in our vision, corrected by the magic of bifocals, is an undeniable signal of our passing from youth to the ambiguity of mid-life.

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Just Words?

    I was at Pigeon Point Park the other day, watching my five-year-old spinning away on the merry-go-round ad nauseam (my nauseam, not hers) and chatting with a woman I’d just met, another mom who happens to be a teacher at a local elementary school. We were discussing the recent reopening of Waterfront Park, specifically wondering when the playground might be ready for business. We both agreed that the new park was looking good; then my companion added, “I hope it don’t get tore up again, or nothin’.”

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To Resolve or Not to Resolve

        By the time this article is published, we’ll be ten days into the New Year.  Already, resolutions that were made in the newness of the first sunrise of 2007 will have been tossed aside as we resume our trudge along the routine avenues that comprise the direction of our lives.  A bleak beginning both to this article and to the New Year, wouldn’t you say?

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What’s Happening

july, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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