Tag: development

How Canning Came to Beaufort County

    The canning process was invented as a result of a contest sponsored by Napolean Bonparte beginning in 1795. The French emperor needed to be able to feed his troops as they marched through Europe, and he was having a hard time. Hauling around lots of food – and keeping it from spoiling – was no easy feat.

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        You are probably asking yourself, “What in the heck is riprap?”  Maybe it’s some kind of make-believe word.  You might assume it’s the newest trend in hip-hop music or some sort of new criminal tactic employed by a wily group of New York gang members intent on wreaking havoc.  Riprap is a legitimate word and is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as “a loose assemblage of broken stones erected in water or on soft ground as a foundation.”  Remember this word the next time you overdose on R’s and P’s during your next game of Scrabble.

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Dark Horizon, Bright Prospects

    “As humans, we need bright days and dark nights.”     Dave Crawford, Executive Director, International Dark-Sky Association    You know how, while flying his plane at night in 1999, JFK Jr. got spatial disorientation and took a fatal plunge into the ocean?

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What’s Happening

september, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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