Tag: conservative

A Curious Outing

When I came to the end of the final book in the Harry Potter series, I remember thinking, “Wow, how about that? After all the analysis, all the scholarship, all the speculation and debate… it’s just a children’s story after all.”      With three little words – “All was well” – J.K, Rowling gave her legions of fans, both young and old, a parting gift of grace. She reminded us not to take her books, or our selves, too seriously.

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A Ringing Non-Endorsement

    A couple of weeks ago, my mom called me up after supper and told me to turn on CNN. Seems while I’d been scrubbing taco grease from my skillet, the presidential hopefuls from the Democratic Party had been engaging in the first-ever YouTube debate.

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The New True Believers

        Despite our solemn, heartfelt vow to cleave to each other and “become one” my husband and I, like most spouses, are not always of a mind. One thing that’s really been sticking in Jeff’s craw lately (besides the fact that I continually mention him in this column) is my failure to demonstrate proper alarm over global warming.

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What’s Happening

october, 2024

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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