Author: Mallory Baches

About the Congress for the New Urbanism

What is the Congress for the New Urbanism & What are they doing in Beaufort? The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is an international organization that promotes walkable, sustainable, healthy, and compact communities, neighborhoods, towns and cities. Founded in 1993, the group has over 3,100 members world-wide who work hard to promote these ideas, ideas which have shaped many of the great places we all know and love. The principles are not new, but rather rooted in old urbanism and town design. The CNU is simply bringing them back to the forefront of planning once again.

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Recovering “The Original Green”

The Congress for the New Urbanism – Carolinas Chapter ( sponsored, with its partners, “The Original Green” by Steve Mouzon on Wednesday, September 15, 2010.  This public event, which was held at the TCL Beaufort Campus, was supplemented with sessions held for the Elected Officials of Beaufort County, and the local Planning Staffs & Development Community.   This was the second of a series of speaking and learning engagements offered by the CNU-Carolinas Chapter, and was made possible by the following sponsors: City of Beaufort, Beaufort County the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce, Town of Bluffton, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League, the Beaufort County Open Land Trust, Historic Beaufort Foundation, Main street Beaufort, Brown Design Studio, and Moser Design Group.

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What’s Happening

february, 2025

Celebrate with Catering by Debbi Covington

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