Best Friends
Wyn Foland will be the featured artist at the Beaufort Art Association Gallery in September and October.
A local impressionist painter, Wyn has been a working artist for 50 years. Her new exhibit ‘Seasons of Life’ showcases a range of styles, expressing a lifetime of personal perceptions of the world. Gallery visitors will find connection to the ever-changing rhythms of people, places and seasons.
Her subjects include travel, gardening, seasons, Gullah culture, endless Lowcountry vistas, and perceptions of the world through free-fl owing abstract designs. She is greatly inspired by vast cloud formations and landscapes of the Lowcountry.
“I will continue to experiment, problem-solve, take classes and travel to capture the world in a meaningful

way,” says Wyn. “I wanted to be an artist in third grade and now in my eightieth year, I have fulfilled that dream.”
Wyn has exhibited in local, national and international shows, produced a cable art program, taught classes and conducted art demonstrations. She is a member of many art societies, and currently paints from her studio at Lady’s Island Marina.
Join Wyn Foland for an opening night reception on Friday, September 1, from 5-8pm, at the Gallery of the Beaufort Art Association, 913 Bay Street, downtown Beaufort, under the black awning