YMCA 100 Women HRThe Wardle Family YMCA of Beaufort County was granted $14,400 in donations through 100 Women Who Care Beaufort on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Funds are earmarked for the YMCA Migrant Summer Education Camp as well as the 2017 Scholarship Campaign.

Organized in January 2015, the 100 Women Who Care Beaufort is committed to supporting people in need right here in our community. The members promise to donate $100 per quarter to a worthy cause, charity or non-profit operating locally and serving the northern Beaufort County community. At the meeting members discuss and present information on worthy charitable organizations and then vote on which one will receive the $100 donations from the membership. Learn more information about this organization: www.100wwcbeaufort.org

This is the second year of the YMCA Migrant Summer Education Camp and will have an increased capacity of 115 campers ages five through eighteen who are in the area during the summer as their parents work the local agricultural harvest. The YMCA camp offers these kids a safe, structured environment with educational components, recreational activities, healthy meals and lots of fun! Campers receive swim lessons, dental/wellness checkups and weekend backpack meals.

The YMCA is committed to never deny anyone access to programs and facilities due to an inability to pay. Donations to the annual scholarship campaign fund help fund this financial assistance.

Above [l to r]: Mike Bostick (Y CEO), Tracey Robinson, Peg Schlichtemeier, Elly Levin, Jeneane Ryan, Kaylin Garst, Ernie Schlichtemeier